‘Pond Squid’ a Turn Based Fishing Indie Game

Ever dreamt of a fishing adventure that takes you back in time? Look no further than Pond Squid! This free game is a turn-based RPG that’s got me hooked—literally and figuratively. And of course pun intended.

One of the coolest things about Pond Squid is its retro vibe. When you play on mobile, it might give you a little message saying “your device is not compatible.” Don’t let that fool you! Once you dive in, it feels like you’ve got a Gameboy in your hands. The game works fine and it’s like taking a trip down memory lane.

The game is available on various platforms, so whether you’re on Windows, macOS, Linux, or even HTML5. Created by Noh, Pond Squid falls under the role-playing genre, but it’s so much more than just casting a line and waiting. It’s about catching the dang fish too.

What sets Pond Squid apart is its unique twist on fishing. It’s not just about catching fish; it’s about strategy, planning, and leveling up your fishing skills. It almost feels like you’re catching a Pokémon. The turn-based gameplay adds a layer of excitement as you strategize your next move, making each catch feel like an achievement. Because cause it can sometimes not be easy. Or I’m just bad.

Made with PICO-8, Pond Squid boasts charming pixel art that adds to its nostalgic charm. The graphics might be retro, but they’re packed with personality and charm, making each fishing spot feel alive and vibrant.

Pond Squid is a hidden gem that offers a refreshing take on the fishing genre. Its addictive gameplay, combined with its retro aesthetics, makes it a must-try for anyone looking for a unique gaming experience. And it is FREE!

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