new fortnite social setting

‘Fortnite’s’ New Social Setting: Going Soft or Keeping Things Chill?

Fortnite is adding a new feature to help players have a friendlier experience (or as they put it “Good Vibes”). Some people are saying Fortnite is going soft like the rest of society.

The new setting which can be found under “Social Privacy,” will allow the “Confrontational Emotes” so only be seen buy your friends. For those that don’t know emotes are animations your character can do in the game — such as dancing for example. But not everyone likes all the emotes, especially the ones that might seem a bit, well, confrontational. At least according to Fortnite themselves.

Here are the emotes that will be hidden by default:

  • Laugh It Up
  • Take the L
  • Whipcrack
  • Make It Plantain

These emotes can sometimes be seen as teasing or making fun of players. So, Fortnite is giving players the option to block these emotes from showing up in their games should they choose to do so.

By default, this new setting will only show these emotes from friends in your party. But you will be able to change this setting anytime you want. You can choose to see these emotes from any player, or you can choose not to see them at all.

What does this mean for Fortnite players and the game community? Some people might think this change is making us too soft or that it’s taking away from the game’s entertainment. Others might see it as a way to protect younger players from feeling sad or bullied.

It’s a tricky balance. On one hand, emotes are a big part of Fortnite’s personality. On the other hand, no one wants to see someone else get hurt or feel left out because of an emote.

So, is this a good move by Fortnite? It really depends on how you look at it. If you value a more inclusive and friendly gaming environment, then this change might be a step in the right direction. But if you think it’s important to keep the game as it was, with all its playful banter, then you might not be a fan of this new setting.

What do you think? Is Fortnite going soft, or is this a positive change for the game?

New Fortnite Setting

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